The 5 Easiest Countries to Get a Credit Card

Most of the leading economic countries in the world today have adopted the idea of credit cards, and you may be wondering why that is. Why do credit cards have such a huge grip on markets worldwide?

Credit cards offer a lot to folks today – more than just having cash in your pocket does. Among the best things that credit cards offer are safety and convenience


So, with that said, which are the easiest countries to get credit cards in? Read on to find out the top five countries.

1. United States

At the top of the list is the United States of America. Credit cards are the cornerstone of the American economy today and it isn’t easy to find someone without one. 


With over 632 million cards in circulation in America in any given year, it is one of the easiest counties to get a credit card in. With an excellent credit score, you will easily be eligible for one out of the wide variety of credit cards in the US. 

2. Japan

Whether you are a citizen or a foreigner, Japan is one of the easiest countries to apply for and get your hands on a credit card. If you’re a foreigner, however, the only way you’ll get a credit card is if you have a job in Japan. 

This is because, at one point, a tsunami hit Japan, and foreigners with Japanese credit cards left the country without making payments.


However, with most applications being made online today, it’s easy to get your card. Today, Japan’s credit card companies ensure they will get their payment now. If you do not pay, the company you worked for must make the payment. 

3. China

With China’s economic growth over the years, it is no surprise that they are in on the rising trend of credit cards. China has one of the highest credit cardholder rates in the world, with over 185 million credit cards issued in China to date.

One reason for this is that it is one of the easiest countries to get a credit card. Although they have a tight policy on not issuing cards to foreigners, for citizens it is not very hard. 

4. Brazil

Brazil is another upcoming leader in the financial world today, and they aren’t far behind with credit cards. Anyone with a good credit score in Brazil is eligible for a credit card.

For foreigners, the rules are pretty tight. You need to have a bank account and proof of residence to get a credit card. However, you can easily pay for products and services with your home country’s Visa card or MasterCard while in Brazil. 

5. South Korea

South Korean citizens are avid users of credit cards, making it safe to assume that the application process isn’t too hard. To date, South Korea has handed out around 100 million credit cards to its citizens. 


Getting a credit card today feels like a necessity, rather than a luxury for most people. Most countries have embraced the option of offering credit cards to their citizens.

Disclaimer: All credit products carry risk. Be aware of these risks by reading the associated terms and conditions.